Specialist in triathlon, swimming, cycling and running. Triathlon store in Paris and Nice

Triathlon, cycling, running, swimming specialist

Precision Fuel & Hydration Sweat Test

Sweat test

We bet you don't pay much attention to your sweat loss during exercise? Yet you should. It's crucial to your performance.

Did you know?

Incredibly enough, the amount of sweat/sodium lost can vary up to 15 times between seemingly similar individuals.

Each person loses a different amount of sodium in their sweat, ranging from 200 mg per liter of sweat to 2,000 mg/l, which is largely determined by genes.

This means that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work when it comes to hydration.

We offer a personalized hydration plan and product mix that meets your individual needs.

The test

No blood tests. No exhausting yourself on a treadmill. No waiting for your sample to be sent to a lab for top-secret analysis.

Our sweat test lasts about 45 minutes and you just have to sit comfortably while we talk to you about your training, your competitions and we explain your personalized hydration strategy. The test is simple, painless and extremely accurate.

It gives us an accurate indication of how much sodium (the key electrolyte lost in sweat) you lose each time you exercise, so in most cases you'll only need one test in your life to understand an important part of the hydration equation.

We combine the results with the context you give us during the test to create a hydration strategy that is unique to you. We will advise you on when, what and how much to drink before, during and after training and competitions, so that you are well equipped to achieve your goals.

After the result

We will also recommend the most effective electrolyte drinks for each case. Precision has developed these electrolyte tablets with different dosages because commercially available products do not do the job for most people. The most powerful Precision product, PH 1500, contains up to 3.5 times more electrolytes than other brands you may have used before.

We have exclusive access to this fully patented testing technology for testing athletes' sweat. It has a long, credible history in medicine as a diagnostic tool for some forms of cystic fibrosis.


The price

The test is available in our Triathlon Store stores:

> Paris Etoile: meeting | lab@triathlonstore.fr

> Nice: appointment | nice@triathlonstore.fr



  • Test
  • Hydration plan
  • Hydration kit provided

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